Kids back at school! Great, back to ‘normal life’, however, don’t forget that this term is one of the longest in the year. Depending on where you live the poor little cherubs have got about other 7 weeks in school before the next holiday. That’s a long time for the »
Shore field Holidays are offering a whopping 25% off any self catering holiday in 2017 at all of their parks. They do only have five parks, however they consistently get good reviews, and are superbly located along the south coast so although the weather cannot be guaranteed, it is likely »
What springs to mind when you think about Wales? Rugby? Leeks? Women in shawls and stovepipe hats? How about stunning verdant scenery, and a fantastic coastline that is difficult to beat. And that’s no to mention the ‘welcome in the hillsides’. I recently took a ‘sabbatical’ and found myself market »
So, as 2016 gradually draws to a close the caravan holiday season is truly over as most holiday parks close their doors for the winter. Or is it over? While most holiday parks will be closing their gates until March 2017, not all will be. Park Resorts are offering Christmas »
Hoseasons have just listed their top twenty most popular holiday parks, and we’re going to have a brief look at the top five. They have categorised them as either ‘Relax & Explore’ or ‘Family Fun’. Relax & Explore is basically their branding of holidays parks and lodges that steer away »
Hoseasons as are giving away a sweet £25 off all holiday lodges and holidays at certain selected locations. You have until the 28th of November 2016 to take advantage of this offer, and can book now with a low deposit of only £25. As noted above, the offer does not »
Hoseasons have just awarded several of their advertised holiday parks as Best in Britain 2016 Winners. The winners are voted by Hoseasons visitors, so it’s a fairly good indicator of quality. The awards have 3 categories, plus there is a secondary Diamond award for exceptional quality and outstanding customer service. »
Staycations have been increasing phenomenally year on year over the past decade. And with the Brexit vote earlier in the year the pound has been steadily declining against the major tourist currencies, the dollar and the euro. We’re predicting that this may further increase the numbers of people who will »
Remember remember… yes, it’s that time of year again, and in 2016, November 5th falls on a Saturday, giving it even more explosive potential. Around the country cities, towns and villages will be getting together to blow up and burn stuff in honour of the memory of the 1605 Gunpowder »
This is the time of year that certain sectors of the holidaymaking public rejoice for a simple reason. The kids are back at school! Which means that prices start plummeting, and holiday parks tend to quieten down. This means the pool is going to be a bit emptier, as will »